The venue is the hotel “Diar Lemdina Hotel,” which is situated in the heart of Medina Mediterranea, the pearl of the new tourist resort of Yasmine Hammamet, 300m from the sea. To stay in the residences of the Diar Lemdina Hotel remains a privilege that permits you to discover the intimacy of Medina with all the comfort of the 21st century and get involved in the events planned during the year. Diar Lemdina Hotel offers you the choice to lodge in one of three blocks: “EL BOUSTEN,” “ERRIADH,” or “SIDI BOU SAID” in the middle of their gardens and their private swimming pools. The Hotel Diar Lemdina includes 190 suites and 40 double rooms. There are 190 suites: 12 junior suites, 59 senior suites, 112 ambassador suites, and 7 royal suites.