Submitted extended abstracts (at most 500 words) should be written in English and submitted online via EDAS ( Selected extended abstracts among those presented at the conference will be considered as potential full-paper publications, subject to peer reviews, in international academic journals.
Special Sessions supplement the regular program of MCDM 2024 and are intended to provide a sample of the state-of-the-art and highlight important research directions in the field of Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Each special session should be a focused effort rather than defined broadly, and it should include at least 5 accepted papers. The special session proposals should be submitted by email to Hatem Masri ( and should include the title of the proposed special session, names and affiliations of the organizers (including a brief bio and contact info), the session abstract (stating the motivation and significance of the topic and the rationale for the proposed session), and a list of invited papers (including a tentative title, an author list, and a 300-word abstract for each paper).
Authors of accepted abstracts presented at the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for consideration in international academic journals:
- Engineering Management Journal (Scopus Q1)
Special Issue: Multiple Criteria Decision-Making
Guest editor: Davide La Torre - International Transactions in Operational Research(Scopus Q1, ABS1)
Special Issue “Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Development Goals”.
Guest editors: Davide La Torre, Hatem Masri, Constantin Zopounidis. - Energy Economics (Scopus Q1, ABS3)
Special issue; MCMD in Energy
Guest editors: Davide La Torre, Francesco Appio, and Michail Doumpos - Optimization (Scopus Q1)
Special issue: Algorithms and Methods
Davide La Torre, Fouad Ben Abdelaziz, Meryem Masmoudi, Rocca Matteo, Ralph Steuer and Christiane Tammer